Useful Links
- Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Judicial Power (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Electoral Tribunal (TSE) (Spanish only)
- Office of the President (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Justice and Peace (Spanish only)
- Public Registry (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Public Security (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Foreign Trade (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Commerce (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Finance (Spanish only)
- Customs Authority (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET) (Spanish only)
- National System of Areas of Conservation (Spanish only)
- National Environmental Technical Secretariat (SETENA) (Spanish only)
- National Commission for Biodiversity Management (CONAGEBIO) (Spanish only)
- National Trust of Forestry Financing (FONAFIFIO) (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Spanish only)
- Phytosanitary Service (Spanish only)
- National Service of Animal Health (SENASA) (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Health (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Public Education (Spanish only)
- Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Transport and Public Works (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Labor and Social Security (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Culture and Youth (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Housing (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Social Welfare and Family (Spanish only)
- Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (Spanish only)
- Deparment of Migration and Foreigners
- National Children's Trust (PANI) (Spanish only)
- National Institute of Women (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Comptroller (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Office of the Attorney General (Spanish only)
- Office of the Ombudsman (Spanish only)
- Public Services Regulatory Authority (ARESEP)
Regulates water services; electric power and fuel distribution; telecommunications; public transport (buses, taxis, trains and coasting), maritime services, air and postal services. - Water
- Water and Sewage (AyA) (Spanish only)
- National Service of Groundwater irrigation and drainage (Spanish only)
- Water Department of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INCOPESCA) (Spanish only)
- Electricty and Energy
- Energy Sectorial Unit of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (Spanish only)
- National Power and Light Company (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE) (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Petroleum Refinery (RECOPE) (Spanish only)
- Telecomunications
- Telecommunications Regulator (SUTEL) (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Electricity and Telecommunications Institute (ICE) (Spanish only)
- Radiográfica Costarricense S.A. (RACSA) (Spanish only)
- Transport
- Ministry of Transport and Public Works (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Institute of Railways (INCOFER) (Spanish only)
- Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports (INCOP) (Spanish only)
- Atlantic Port Authority (JAPDEVA) (Spanish only)
- Universidad de Costa Rica (Spanish only)
- Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Spanish only)
- Universidad Nacional (Spanish only)
- Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (Spanish only)
- National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICIT) (Spanish only)
- College of Agriculture of the Humid Tropical Region (EARTH)
- Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center (CATIE)
- Biodiversity Institute (INBio)
- University for Peace (sponsored by the United Nations)
- List of universities voluntarily accredited before the National Council of Accreditation of Higher Education (SINAES) (Spanish only)
- INCAE Business School
- Ministry of Health (Spanish only)
- Health institutions (Spanish only)
- Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social (Public health insurance system) (Spanish only)
- Council for the International Promotion of Costa Rican Medicine (PROMED)
Central Bank of Costa Rica (Spanish only)
Financial System Regulator (SUGEF) (Spanish only)
Pensions Regulator (Spanish Only)
Securities Regulator (Spanish only)
Costa Rican Banking Association (Spanish only)
Chamber of Banks and Financial Institutions of Costa Rica (Spanish only)
Banco Crédito Agrícola de Cartago (Spanish only)
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica (Spanish only)
Insurance Regulator (SUGESE) (Spanish only)
National Institute of Insurance (INS) (Spanish only)
Costa Rican Foreign Trade Corporation (PROCOMER)
- Trade Promotion Office in Houston
- Trade Promotion Office in Los Angeles
- Trade Promotion Office in Miami
- Trade Promotion Office in New York
Costa Rican Investment Promotion Agency (CINDE)
U.S. Commercial Service in Costa Rica
Chamber of Industry of Costa Rica (Spanish only)
Chamber of the Food Industry (Spanish only)
Chamber of Information Technology and Communications
Chamber of Commerce of Costa Rica (Spanish only)
Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)
Costa Rican Union of Private Sector Enterprises (Spanish only)
Chamber of Foreign Trade and Representatives of Foreign Firms (Spanish only)
Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFE)
National Banana Corporation (CORBANA) (Spanish only)
Costa Rican Sugar Association (LAICA) (Spanish only)
Costa Rican Chamber of Realtors (Spanish only)
Costa Rican Chamber of Construction (Spanish only)
Crear Empresa (Spanish only)
National Registry (Spanish only)
Civil Registry (Spanish only)
Legal files (Spanish only)
Directory of Exporters, Importers and Services
Inquiries related to Costa Rican tariffs and duties (Spanish only)
Inquiries related to Costa Rican duties on cars and other vehicles (Spanish only)
Government procurement (Spanish only)
Agriculture Sector Information System (Spanish only)
La Nación (Spanish only)
La Prensa Libre (Spanish only)
La República (Spanish only)
Diario Extra (Spanish only)
Al Día (Spanish only)
El Financiero (Spanish only)